Extract Part Numbers with Special Characters
How can we get an extract of Part Numbers with any special characters in them? Can someone please help us out.
Hi MG,
You can query Item table and check if your item_number column contains any non-alpha numeric character or not. So this should give you any part with special character. However most of the organizations have “-” (Hyphen) in their item number so you can filter out that based on your need.
//Query-1 – It gives all part number containing non-alpha-numeric characters.
SELECT * FROM item i where REGEXP_INSTR(item_number,'[^[:alnum:]]’)>0
//Query-2 – It gives the part number that contains any non-alphanumeric character apart from hyphen.
SELECT * FROM item i where REGEXP_INSTR(item_number,'[^[:alnum:]]’)>0 and not regexp_like(item_number, ‘[-]’)