Expand Agile PLM Event Error Message
Hi All,
Would like to check with you , is there anyway we can expand the Agile PLM event error message limitation?
For example : When user reject a workflow , pop-up window opens and asking for password and comment to reject it.
I am validating the user comment from the list of values hard coded in the ‘Reject Workflow’ Event and throwing an error message if user enters some dummy values.
It is like , we have some generic 20 reasons , user should put any one/many of them and write their story after that.
Here error message comes like ‘Please select the values from the below list 1. A 2.B 3.C ………………………………N.’
I think, in Agile it is limited to 200 characters as the error message div is less in the pop-up window.
is there any way we can expand it?
or is there anyway, we can open a new pop-up window or web page when users click on Reject button in the Agile pop-up window after entering the password and comment?
I found below link, but it is working for only cover page/title block, not in the pop-up window.
Hi Anandh,
I would like to propose a work around for your requirement. Instead of printing all the generic 20 reasons in the pop-up window, keep these 20 reasons in a document and attach to a Document Object. In the pop-up window print the Agile Document Object number and ask user to follow the reason codes from that Document’s attachment file.