Event PX how to get file name and other attributes from attachment table for checked in ,added file etc
I am relatively new to Agile PLM. I am writing a event java px to get file name and other attributes from attachment table,for files added,checked in ,checked out etc.
Can anyone let me know how to get the file details for these operations?
Should it be a post or pre event?
Hi Sabarish,
We have a PRE event set up with the following. I think it could also be a POST if you aren’t trying to error anything. Should be able to get details from the IFileEventInfo object
IFileEventInfo fEvent = (IFileEventInfo) event;
IEventDirtyFile[] files = fEvent.getFiles();
String fileName = new String();
for (IEventDirtyFile edf : files) {
fileName += edf.getFilename();