Error when adding Affected Item with attachments to Change
Hi, I am doing some integration using the SDK and when I try to add a Product Document that has an attachment in the previous revision into the Affected Items of the new Change, there is an error that if I want to attach or not the file.
For the Web UI is OK because you can answer for yes or not, but for the SDK is not working.
How can I tell the SDK to answer that question with a predefined answer?
Or to avoid the question at all. I don’t care if the file is there or not, I have to update the file in the Change, so I can manage it later.
This is the error
Error code : 507
Error message : The latest revision of Product Document XYZ has attachments. The attachments can be copied to the new revision.
Root Cause exception : com.agile.util.exception.CMAppException: The latest revision of Product Document XYZ has attachments. The attachments can be copied to the new revision.
Thank you.
You have 2 options
1. Disable All Warnings OR
2. Specific warning
For example, to supporess this specific warning, you can use
Hope this helps
– Raj