Error code : 60018 – Invalid Parameter on create change order

Hi Memeber, i want to try create new change order, and give a new order number DCN027147, the DCN is one of my subclass of changes, when call it ,show error invalid parameter. i don’t write this kind of code, i confused what is mean invalid parameter, please give me some suggestion, thanks.


public class newobj implements ICustomAction { // public static IAgileSession session = null;

public ActionResult doAction(IAgileSession iAgileSession, INode iNode, IDataObject iDataObject) {

try { String changeNumber = iDataObject.getName();

IChange change = (IChange) iAgileSession.getObject( ChangeConstants.CLASS_CHANGE_ORDERS_CLASS, changeNumber);

//current order

//Create a Map object to store parameters

HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(ChangeConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NUMBER, "DCN027147");

//new order //Create a change IChange eco =(IChange)iAgileSession.createObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO, params);

String achange = eco.getName();

return new ActionResult(ActionResult.STRING, "New change is '" + achange + "'");

} catch (Throwable th) {

//return new ActionResult(ActionResult.EXCEPTION, th);

StringWriter errors = new StringWriter();

th.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors));

return new ActionResult(ActionResult.STRING, th.toString()); }



Agile User Asked on July 17, 2023 in Product Collaboration.
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