edit criteria in bulk?
is there any way we can modify bulk criteria? we can be able to read privileges by SDK, can we read/modify criteria?
I’m fairly confident you could at least read critiera. There’s some info about that in the API SDK Agile Guide
INode criteriaLibrary = admin.getNode(NodeConstants.NODE_CRITERIA_LIBRARY); // Load the Criteria relevant to the query class (For example it is Items base class)
ICriteria criteria = (ICriteria) criteriaLibrary.getChild(“All Released Items”);
or this (both from the API user guide)
IListLibrary library = m_admin.getListLibrary();
INode lib = m_admin.getNode(NodeConstants.NODE_CRITERIA_LIBRARY);
ICriteria criteria = (ICriteria)lib.getChild(“All Change Orders”);
But there I’m not 100% sure you can fully flush out and read the query itself.
What is your use case? If what you are trying to do is repetitive, one option is the export the criteria from the java client into an “agl” file. The “agl” file is just a zip file with the criteria in XML format. You can then write a script/program to modify the XML files are you please. Then, you can re-pack and re-import the criteria.