Does anyone know what database table houses Functional Teams in Agile PLM?

Looking to capture the Functional Team reported on the cover page for most entities in Agile PLM v9.3.3 but couldn’t seem to find Functional Teams captured anywhere within the database schema – would anyone know where this is?

Thanks very much in advance!

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2 Answer(s)
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The information for functional teams is in USER_GROUP – it is just another class (id=2000017166) under the User_Groups base class. The FUNC_TEAM attribute was added back in
 The USER_GROUP table was added way back in, so it should be there, and Averify should call it out as missing if it is not there.

Agile Angel Answered on May 7, 2019.

Thank you Kevin!  I will definitely investigate with IT and see what I can find

on May 7, 2019.
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Hello Andrew

 Please check user_group table. Functional teams would be in a different subclass than the user_group/personal group. This is how it is in 936

 Hope this helps

– Raj

Agile Angel Answered on May 6, 2019.

Huh – I wonder if the user_group table was added in a later release — for users, I think I only have AgileUser and Agile_USERS, sadly dont have a user_group table in 9.3.3 seemingly 🙁

on May 7, 2019.
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