Does anyone know if there is a way to share one user’s bookmarks and personal searches with another user?
For instance, if I create a structure of folders for a project, can I push that out to my team, where all team members have author access, and all team members will view dynamic, real time information as it changes in the folder structure?
I believe these functionalities are private to a user. One can use the Global searches folder structure/hierarchy to share with other set of users.
One can Subscribe to the records and get real time notification if it changes.
So a user can subscribe to the folder structure under Global Searches, but I cannot subscribe or bookmark a folder created by another user in their bookmarks?
Unfortunately – there is currently no functionality available to share bookmarks with other users. You can save a personal search to the Global Searches folder (with appropriate privileges), but this would give all users access to the search.
Take a look at the Grant feature. It gives access to items for specific people. Close to what you are looking for.
Ok great, thanks for the info guys. I am very new to Agile, coming from a TeamCenter background. There is another function in Teamcenter, where a user can create a folder to organize information, and then share that folder with another user (or another user can search and find the folder on their own, by searching for the attributes of the folder). Does Agile have that functionality? This would be similar to sharing bookmarks.