Deleted/cancel Released ATO which can`t move to status Complete


do you know for a way to Deleted/cancel Released ATO which can`t move to status CompleteĀ  ?

This ATO trying to transfer ECO whit about 1300 affected items ….

please your advise.


Thank you.

Agile User Asked on January 29, 2020 in Agile PLM (v9).
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2 Answer(s)


Why are you trying to cancel the ATO? Is it because it failedĀ  during Extraction/Transmission?

Having said that, you can’t change the status from UI. You would have to do via DB. You could change the ATO to Pending and then go to UI and remove the change

– Raj



Agile Angel Answered on January 29, 2020.
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Here is a SQL procedure to delete an ATO.

— Procedure to delete an ATO
create or replace procedure plmdoc_deleteATO(p_ato in varchar2) is

select id into v_id from outbound where outbound_number = p_ato;

delete page_two where id = v_id and class = 11761;
delete page_three where id = v_id and class = 11761;
delete outbound where id = v_id;

delete outbound_lock where id = v_id;
delete outbound_objects where outbound_id = v_id;
delete outbound_wheresent where outbound_id = v_id;

delete workflow_process where change_id = v_id;
delete change_history where change_id = v_id;

After it is installed execute like this,

PLSQL> call plmdoc_deleteATO(‘ATO000021’);

Agile Angel Answered on January 31, 2020.
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