CReating PricelInes

I am looking for way to create PriceLines for Price using SDK. Does any one have any code snippet which can be shared

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public void addPriceLines(IPrice price) throws Exception {
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(“MM/dd/yy”);
IAgileClass cls = price.getAgileClass();
ITable table = price.getTable(PriceConstants.TABLE_PRICELINES);
IAttribute attr = null;
IAgileList listvalues = null;
HashMap params = new HashMap();
//Set Ship-To Location (List field)
attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_SHIP_TO);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { “San Jose” });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_SHIP_TO, listvalues);
//Set Ship-From Location (List field)
attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_SHIP_FROM);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { “Hong Kong” });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_SHIP_FROM, listvalues);
//Set Effective From (Date field)
//Set Effective To (Date field)
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_PRICE_EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE, df.parse(“10/31/03”));
//Set Quantity (Number field)
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_QTY, new Integer(1000));
//Set Currency Code (List field)
attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_CURRENCY_CODE);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { “USD” });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_CURRENCY_CODE, listvalues);
//Set Total Price (Money field)
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_TOTAL_PRICE, new Money(new Double(52.95), “USD”));
//Set Total Material Price (Money field)
new Money(new Double(45.90), “USD”));
//Set Total Non-Materials Price (Money field)
new Money(new Double(7.05), “USD”));
//Set Lead Time (Number field)
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_LEAD_TIME, new Integer(5));
//Set Transportation Time (List field)
attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_TRANSPORTATION_TIME);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { “FOB” });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_TRANSPORTATION_TIME, listvalues);
//Set Country of Origin (List field)
attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { “United States” });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN, listvalues);
//Create a new Price Lines row and initialize it with data
IRow row = table.createRow(params);

This piece of code can be found in the SDK Developer Guide 9.3.4 (Example 21-2)

Agile User Answered on February 4, 2016.
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Thnak you so much. This helps.

Agile User Answered on February 4, 2016.
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