Create Web service in agile933
Hi all,
I am new to web service.I want to create web service in agile like adding a file to part for given part number. I have created java code with only one public method into it. I don’t know how to generate wsdl and xsd file. Information in agile developer guide is difficult to understand. please help me in this.
WSDL generation is not specific for Agile. It is the common way to generate a SOAP service.
To generate a service from a java class, you can follow the link below (first result in google)
Once done, you can generate the Jar file and put in the PX Folder configured in your Agile. It will be deployed automatically in the Agile Axis server as SOAP WS
Thanks Antonio for your feedback. Is this standard procedure( using jax-ws) that i need to follow to generate wsdl and wsdd file from java file in agile 9.3.3?
In Agile 9.3.3 I think i need to use Apache Ant and Axis for this to generate wsdd and wsdl file. Which way to go?
Can you give some steps to generate wsdl and wsdd?
Hi Pranit
If you are going to use this service only in Agile 933 then its okay to use axis and ant to build the wsdl and wsdd. Agile 935 supports JAX-WS replacing axis for webservices.