checkout location
Hi Agile users,
We are on Agile 9.3.4 and we use Docusign for users to sign documents. This is a customer restriction based on our industry. We want to download the document to a shared network location and have each user be able to sign it and then check the document back in without having to search for the document. We wouldn’t be moving the document location so Agile should find it back in this original location.
I understand the limitations on checkout where the first user has a lock on the file.
Is there a way to control the download location without having to modify browser settings? I have 3,000 engineers here.
Any recommendations?
Hi Michael,
have you ever think about to use Agile Driver? It’s a possibility to work without the need to look for the documentation in Agile.
My best
Interesting, I will check it out. I am also thinking out how the File Folders might help.
Thank you Carlos.
I wonder, with the advent of change approvals and strict adherence to release policies, might think about using watermarks to add the change information to the document at time of print from Agile Viewer. This information refers back to the change order and subsequent names of approvers. One strop shop without the overhead. Just an idea to think through.