CHANGE VALIDATOR – Conditional comparisons (MultiText20)
could i check one condition against to requirement values ?
the code i wished to use is :
itm1273|=|OP<OR>itm1273|=|CSI<OR>itm1273|=|PB Big enclosure<OR>itm1273|=|OPJ<OR>itm1273|=|OP Gen3-400:itm2000018794|=|(10<OR>20)
but this is wrong.
how could i update this validation to check if the value at itm2000018794 is 10 or 20 ?
this is the result got when used the bellow:
itm1273|=|OP<OR>itm1273|=|CSI<OR>itm1273|=|PB Big enclosure<OR>itm1273|=|OPJ<OR>itm1273|=|OP Gen3-400:itm2000018794|=|10::itm1273|=|OP<OR>itm1273|=|CSI<OR>itm1273|=|PB Big enclosure<OR>itm1273|=|OPJ<OR>itm1273|=|OP Gen3-400:itm2000018794|=|20
but this is not good for the users to understand and fix the issue.