Change Status for Workflow Event PX not getting triggered
I am relatively new to Agile PLM. Was trying to run a sample event px for Change Status for workflow event in Agile PLM v9.3.6, but is not getting triggered . No errors also shown.
Code is as below.
package com.agile.px;
import com.agile.api.*;
public class EventProcessExtension implements IEventAction {
public EventActionResult doAction(IAgileSession session, INode actionNode, IEventInfo eventObject) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
IWFChangeStatusEventInfo currentObject =
(IWFChangeStatusEventInfo) eventObject;
// IEventInfo currentObject =
// (IWFChangeStatusEventInfo) eventObject;
IDataObject dataObject = currentObject.getDataObject();
IChange change = (IChange) dataObject;
// EventActionResult eventresult = new EventActionResult(eventObject,new ActionResult(ActionResult.EXCEPTION,”EventPX Success:” + change.getName() ));
EventActionResult eventresult = new EventActionResult(eventObject,new ActionResult(ActionResult.STRING,”EventPX Success:” + change.getName() ));
return eventresult;
} catch (APIException e){
return new EventActionResult(eventObject,new ActionResult(ActionResult.EXCEPTION,”Failed EventPx Exception”));
What might be the issue? Thanks in advance.
Hi Sabarish
Did you check the Change history for “User Defined Action” Action? That should have details on the event execution
If you are not seeing anything, there could be an issue in the way you configured the Event
– Raj