Can you uncancel a Engineering Change Notice?

An engineering change notice was set to Cancelled, is there any way to push it back to pending or beginning of the workflow?


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2 Answer(s)

It depends entirely on the workflow. If you have a status value shown in “Manual Valid Next Status” for the Cancel status, then you can manually move it to that status, assuming that you also have the correct privileges to do so. By default, it can be moved to Pending or Submitted, but that may not be true for your workflow. If it is blank, you may need to modify the workflow, restart the application and then reset your change.
 But note that when the change was moved to Cancel, all red-lines are removed for the change. Literally, the change has been reset in the workflow and must start over. So usually the place to move it to would be Pending, as all you have left are the affected items.

Agile Angel Answered on May 6, 2019.

I’m not sure you can un-cancel a workflow if there was an affected item still on the change when it was moved to cancelled. At least not in v9.3.4…

on May 6, 2019.
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  In 936, we can’t un-cancel. As a last resort, I did a DB update on the change record to bring it back to Pending

– raj

Agile Angel Answered on May 6, 2019.

Is that because there is no status defined in the Manual Valid Next Status field??
 Yes, a DB change would be easiest, except that there is no history record showing it was done. If they are in something like medical devices, that would be a major no-no.
 I am on the fence as to whether or not affected items should be removed from the cancelled change. It would be a good idea to know what the change had intended to modify, but then again, so would the actual changes it had started to do. But if you need to remove affected items to get it to move from Cancel to something else, seems like a lot of work.

on May 7, 2019.

Hi Kevin

  Yes. Checking the admin doc, it says that we cannot move out of cancel by any means


In assigning privileges to move a workflow to the Cancel status, the administrator must recognize the potential for user-error.
Because a Canceled workflow cannot be re-activated by any means,
the fact that it is relatively easy to change a workflow to Cancel must be recognized and allowed for.

  I see your point regd lack of history. In our case, when we do it, we “Comment” or do.a “Send” action as a special user and record that the DB update was done by IT as a result of Customer Ticket#. Not elegant, but atleast someone looking at history will understand how that happened

– Raj

on May 7, 2019.
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