Can we create new Event types ?
My plan is to be able to send an Email to specific worker using an AGILE user without sending the Email to all of the Workers using this User (the Email set to the user is a Group mail and we can`t remove or change it).
in order to say that a specific user added / Removed to/from the workflow stage approval list – need the correct Event type but i can`t find such event.
Do anyone have experience with creating new Event types ? is this possible ?
Also, if someone already written this kind of PX i would like to consult with him about this option.
Thank you !
Looks like you are trying to check if a specific user was added/removed during CCB and do further processing. if so, there are 2 event types that will help you out
Change Approvers or Observers for Workflow -> This will give if someone was added or removed at CCB and
Change Status for Workflow -> This will give list of users added when you change status to CCB
To your other question about creating new event types – answer is No
Hope this helps
– Raj
Thanks Raj,
Do you or anyone else wrote some Extensions Process which close to this request and could share ?
thank you.
Here is some sample code that we have used in one of our projects for #1
public EventActionResult doAction(IAgileSession agileSession, INode arg1, IEventInfo eventInfo) {
IChangeAppObserverEventInfo iwf = (IChangeAppObserverEventInfo) eventInfo;
if (iwf.getAction() == EventConstants.WORKFLOW_CHANGE_APPROVER_OR_OBSERVER_ACTION_REMOVE) // if someone were removed
// do something
ISignoffReviewer[] approverObj =iwf.getApprovers();
ISignoffReviewer[] observerObj = wf.getObservers();
// With the list of approvers and observers that were added OR removed, you can put your logic
Hope this helps
– Raj