Can we change Documents to Parts for an existing document

We have certain Parts those were incorrectly created under Documents class. Recently we want to change the class from Documents to Parts.

Is there a way to modify it?

Parts and Documents are 2 classes under Items Base Class

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2 Answer(s)


   we did this a few years ago for a customer in France. Those changes need to be done on database level and require good preparation if documents have been released previously. Preliminary documents you consider a batch “save-as” process to your part class.

1. You need a environment were you can safely do first tests, don’t start with prod. Make DB backup to rollback easily.

2. Verify each attribute you want to be brought over into your part class. if you switch from documents to parts and miss attributes you get averify errors and data corruption will ocurr

3. Make sure you understand all item/Page2/Page3 tables in Agile database, start with one item you know, so you easily find the exact rows to modify. (I’m sorry i don’t have them by hand right now)

4. The procedure should be like:
4.1 Run averify to ensure you have a consistent db
4.2 Make and run your SQL script. You may see some triggers/lockers popup you will have to disable.
4.3 run “create indexes” so the new parts get published
4.4 Run averify again to check no data inconsistency has been created
4.5 start agile and verify data (Structures, class type, related changes)

Let me know if this information was helpful.

Best regards,

Agile Angel Answered on May 6, 2015.
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Thanks so much Dennis.

Can I leave the non required fields as blank on Page 2 blank while populating the basic fields like Part Type etc on Title Block. We want the the Item to be under Parts class and then populate the remaining fields later as and when required.

Agile Angel Answered on May 6, 2015.
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