Can anyone please provide steps to develop WSX in agile 9.3.4?

I have followed the steps provided in the documentation and also downloaded the sample wsx code. not getting the wsdl. Using http://hostName:port/extension/serviceName?wsdl
 am able to get the core webservices using the URL : http://hostName:port/CoreService/services/BusinessObject?wsdl

Agile User Asked on September 24, 2018 in Software Development Kit (API),   Webservices.


Try this URL pattern, it works for me.


<virtualPath> is usually Agile.

on November 2, 2021.
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1 Answer(s)

My personal preference only, but it’s A LOT EASIER to develop a RESTful service that sit OUTSIDE of A9 environment and interact with A9 using Java SDK.
High level example only:
1) Create a dummy RESTful API with security and deploy to tomcat and verify that it returns expected dummy content
2) Write a SDK based class that pulls the necessary information (or pushes information) from./into A9 and verify that it works
3) Connect #1 and #2 together and expose that as your REST API ( I hope you are ONLY exposing this within your company firewall)
4) To increase security level, enable HTTPS protocol only.

Agile Talent Answered on March 27, 2019.
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