Can anybody tell me what is the database structure/schema in Oracle AgilePLM?

Actually, I want the Oracle Queries of counts
for following things for database Migration purpose, 

2Part Revisions
3Documents by type
5BOM Links 
6ECO to Part Links 

Please Help!!!

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4 Answer(s)
Best answer

Parts are in the ITEM table (as are Documents), revisions are in REV, ECOs are in CHANGE, Manufacturers are in MANUFACTURERS (and *not* in MANUFACTURER), and suppliers are in ORGANIZATION.
 Attached is a script I send to clients, and it covers all of what you have listed above.

 And I cannot get the file attach to work. I will post it later today.

Agile Angel Answered on December 13, 2018.

Thanks, Kevin your answer is very helpful!!!

on December 14, 2018.
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And here is the script (I hope).

Agile Angel Answered on December 17, 2018.

Hey, I didn’t get any script.

on December 19, 2018.

Yeah, for some reason the file is NOT being uploaded. I attach it to the post, and it just sits and the cursor spins.
 It is just a simple text file. And when I try to paste it into a post, it does pretty much the same thing.
 I plan on splitting it up into 3-4 posts and see if I can get it posted that way.

on December 20, 2018.
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The first (small) part, covering directions :
— 1) Put the counts script into a directory on the database server
— 2) Open an SQL*Plus session and log into the Agile schema account
— 3) Create a spool/log file for the script results SQL> SPOOL <directory>/agile_counts.LST
— 4) Run this script SQL> START <directory>/Agile_Object_Counts_9x.sql.txt
— 5) Close the spool/log file SQL> SPOOL OFF
— 6) Exit the SQL*Plus session SQL> EXIT

Agile Angel Answered on December 20, 2018.

Hi Kevin,

could you pls help to provide Agile_Object_Counts_9x.sql.txt ?

on December 21, 2018.
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Code attached. Script can be found below as well:


— 1) Put the counts script into a directory on the database server
— 2) Open an SQL*Plus session and log into the Agile schema account
— 3) Create a spool/log file for the script results SQL> SPOOL <directory>/agile_counts.LST
— 4) Run this script SQL> START <directory>/Agile_Object_Counts_9x.sql.txt
— 5) Close the spool/log file SQL> SPOOL OFF
— 6) Exit the SQL*Plus session SQL> EXIT

set echo off

select count(*) “Parts” from item where class=10000;

select count(*) “Part Revs” from rev where item in (select id from item where class=10000) and change > 0;

select count(*) “Changes” from change where id > 0;

select count(distinct item) “BOM Parents” from bom where item in (select id from item where class=10000);

Select count(*) “Part BOM” from bom where item in (select id from item where class=10000);

select count(*) “Ref Des” from refdesig where bom in
(select id from bom where item in (select id from item where class=10000));

select count(*) “Manufacturer” from manufacturers where id > 0;

select count(*) “Mfr Parts” from manu_parts where id > 0;

select count(*) “Part AML” from manu_by where agile_part in (select id from item where class=10000) and manu_part > 0;

select count(*) “Documents” from item where class=9000;

select count(*) “Doc Revs” from rev where item in (select id from item where class=9000) and change > 0;

select count(*) “PSR” from psr where id > 0;

select count(*) “PSR_AI” from psr_item where psr_id > 0;

select count(*) “QCR” from qcr where id > 0;

select count(*) “QCR_AI” from qcr_ai where qcr_id > 0;

select count(*) “Customer” from customer where id > 0;

select count(*) “MatlDecl” from material_declaration where id > 0;

select count(*) “MD_Map” from material_declaration_map;

select count(*) “PartGrp” from part_family where id > 0;

select count(*) “PG_Map” from part_family_map;

select count(*) “Spec” from regulation where id > 0;

select count(*) “Spec_Map” from compliance;

select count(*) “Substance” from substance where id > 0;

select count(*) “Sub_Map” from substance_map;

select count(*) “Supplier” from organization where org_pk > 0 and class is not null;

select count(*) “Supl_Map” from asl_map;

— Find out how many history records
select count(*) “ITEM HISTORY” from item_history;

select count(*) “CHANGE HISTORY” from change_history;

select count(*) “SIGNOFF HISTORY” from signoff;

select count(*) “WORKFLOW HISTORY” from workflow_process;

create index am_pcl on attachment_map (parent_class);

select count(distinct “Direct Files” from attachment_map am, files f
where am.parent_class in (9000,10000,6000,7000,8000,11000,1450,1442,1483,11605,4878,4895,4928,4428,4983,2000002395,2000005977,2000005735,2000002423,2000002367,2000002882,2000002339,2000004409,2000001992,2000001018,2000001119,2000002445,2000002467,17570)
and am.file_id > 0 and am.file_id =;

select count(distinct “Indirect Files” from attachment_map am, version_file_map vfm, files f
where am.parent_class in (9000,10000,6000,7000,8000,11000,1450,1442,1483,11605,4878,4895,4928,4428,4983,2000002395,2000005977,2000005735,2000002423,2000002367,2000002882,2000002339,2000004409,2000001992,2000001018,2000001119,2000002445,2000002467,17570)
and am.file_id = 0 and am.latest_vsn = vfm.version_id and vfm.file_id =;

drop index am_pcl;

— now users and roles/privs
select count(*) “CUST USERS” from agileuser where id not in
(select id from agileuser where loginid in (‘admin’,’administrator’,’propagation’,’superadmin’,’agileuser’,’etluser’,’ifsuser’,’admin_save’));
select count(*) “ACTIVE USERS” from agileuser where enabled = 1 and id not in
(select id from agileuser where loginid in (‘admin’,’administrator’,’propagation’,’superadmin’,’agileuser’,’etluser’,’ifsuser’,’admin_save’));
select count(*) “DELETE USERS” from agileuser where delete_flag is not null and delete_flag > 0 and id not in
(select id from agileuser where loginid in (‘admin’,’administrator’,’propagation’,’superadmin’,’agileuser’,’etluser’,’ifsuser’,’admin_save’));
select count(*) “ROLES” from nodetable where objtype = 21;
select count(*) “PRIVS” from nodetable where objtype = 22;

select propertyid, value from propertytable where parentid = 5001 and propertyid in (37, 726);

spool off
set echo on

Agile Talent Answered on December 30, 2018.

Hey MyAgilePLM,

That’s what i want exactly , Thank You So Much!!!

on January 1, 2019.
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