Autovue error after upgrading to RUP18
After upgrading to Agile PLM 9.3.6 RUP 18, when trying to view a file , getting “The Autovue client did not start successfully.Please ensure that the server is running and the generated JNLP is launched..” and not able to view the file.
In agilePCWeblogic.log seeing following error like
“java.lang.SecurityException: class “com.cimmetry.servlet.VueRDVServlet”‘s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package”
Any idea on how to resolve the same?
See Oracle’s article on this topic:
AutoVue for Agile 21.0.1 (JNLP) Not Working Behind Proxy Server Using SSL (Doc ID 2262454.1)
Here’s something else that may interest you. While I’m not sure about your particular version of Agile, you should be able to configure such that common files open in their native apps (xlsx in Excel, docx in Word, etc. In the Java client Admin screen, navigate to System Settings | Viewers and File. Then click on the File Association tab. For each file type that you want the user to open in the native desktop app, simply uncheck the 2 boxes. You can actually delete the file type entry if you wish.
Clicking on the attachment link on an object will now force a copy of the file to be downloaded to the user’s PC and open in an app they have associated with that file type.
Hope that helps,
Forgot to update. We tried in both Autovue 21.0.1 and 21.0.2 and in both getting the same issue.