Agile save data

While we save data, how can we trigger to calculate on the fields? For example, I have two fields (F1, F2, F3=sum of F1+F2). While user input F1 & F2 and click <Save>, I would like to show the sum of F1&F2 in F3 field.

I have tried to use the event “Update Title Block” but then this event will be triggered for every field (e.g. trigger once for F1, and trigger once for F2) but not just one time for all updated fields.

Any export, pls advise. Many thanks.

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2 Answer(s)

This is an issue in the system by design… The example you shared above will trigger the calculation 2 to 3 times.

To avoid this recursive calculations do as follows:

Java Client Admin Tab –> Server Settings –> Preferences –> “Event Maximum Nested Levels Allowed”=1

This would avoid multiple calls upon fields update on the form… I don’t remember whether you would have to restart the Agile services or not.
Try it out, hope this helps.

Agile Angel Answered on May 31, 2016.
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Is there any way to do that with one trigger, my expert?

Agile User Answered on June 1, 2016.
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