Additional Predefined Comment on ECN approval page
Hi All,
Is there any way to add predefined comment on the ECN approval page ( separate note at each phase ). This is to notify what activities needs to be performed before approval to next status.
Option 1 – We can configure Manual mails and trigger (rather OOTB Mails ) on each status on approval with the predefined comment.
Is there any other good way to accomplish this. Intention is inform approve in mail
what needs to be done before approving. This is unique at each status so not to write it again and again for each ECN. .
( In lay man concept as we we automate approvers based on functional team concept, can we add/comment too. This will avoid creating multiple manual emails for each stauts)
Hi Gykumar,
what we do is a little bit different but I’d like to share. Instead of sending e-mails via Agile, what we believe would turn Agile into a spammer, we put together under a heading attribute all the attributes related to that specific change status. We also include some non editable text attributes with instructions on how and what to fill up.
My best
Thanks Carlos,
Yes true, so far we can publish the note – we are good.
The intention is to inform approver whats needs to be done/validated before approval.
example: ( This is just an example)
Review 1- Validate the ECN inout with all stake holders, Impact analysis, Create task etc
Review 2- Update SAP data, Update Drawing,
Review 3- Inform Manufacturing applications, Copy drawing to vendors share point
We do almost exactly as Carlos describes for some Change Objects / Approval Processes. Screenshot:
The text in “Routing Instructions” is set as the Default Value of the attribute. Only the change analyst has the ability to modify this field. This could easily be mapped to be included in the notification if you wanted, but I agree that doing too much with email notifications tends to lead to them being ignored.
We also have a “Required Approvals at CCB” field that is defaulted (according to the SOP). This is helpful for the change analyst to compare to the Users/Job Functions that are added automatically to make sure that the approval matrix is configured correctly and pulling the appropriate reviewers.