about add Rule of Relationship automatically
Hi, everyboy
Can I add Rule of Relationship automatically (by PLM SDK API)?
I try to do following, but I got the error code.
Error code : 60072
Error message : Unsupported operand datatype
My PLM version: 9.3.2
ITable relationship_Table = change.getTable(ChangeConstants.TABLE_RELATIONSHIPS);
Iterator ite = relationship_Table.iterator();
while (ite.hasNext()) {
IRow row_relation = (IRow) ite.next();
row_relation.setValue(new Integer(2000007765), “When PCR-00000105 is ABC””,set BRP-00001080 to “”RDC””””);
Hi Forum,
I remember giving answer to this question and total of 4 answers to this query. The same can be seen in mails and user profile answers tab but details are missing. Also option to to upload image is disabled.
Can we retrieve the answers ??