Question regarding pending changes in SQL Developer


Is there any table in SQL developer where I will be able to find items which has pending changes?


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3 Answer(s)

Hi Achuth,

Could you please update the Agile and DB version for exact answer.

you can try this table β€œitem_p2p3_query_all_rev” get the pending change details for Agile 9.3.5.


Agile User Answered on May 30, 2017.

Hi Ganesh,

Thanks for your reply !!

Agile PLM version is 9.3.4


on June 1, 2017.
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you can use the below query to fetch all the items which were undergoing changes from item table. 

select * from ITEM where FLAGS like β€˜00010%’;


Agile Angel Answered on May 30, 2017.

Thanks it worked πŸ™‚

on June 1, 2017.
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There are several tables to look at (and ways) to do this. Probably the easiest is :
select i.item_number, r.rev_number, c.change_number   from rev r, item i, change c
 where = r.item and r.change > 0 and and c.statustype not in (3,4);
This way you have the item number and any change/revision that is not yet released (the status type is not released or implemented).

 If all you really want is just a unique list of item numbers, then :
select distinct i.item_number    from rev r, item i, change c
 where = r.item and r.change > 0 and and c.statustype not in (3,4);

 The ITEM_P2P3_QUERY_ALL_REV will work, but you will have to add criteria in the query to pick out just the pending ones. Using the FLAGS attribute from ITEM also works, but I have seen databases where FLAGS is not always up to date (when was the last time you ran Averify on your database??). STATUSTYPE is better than most in always being up-to-date and correct..

Agile Angel Answered on May 30, 2017.
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