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Agile User



  • Agile User Asked on September 15, 2020 in Agile PLM (v9).

    I don’t believe this is possible the way you are asking (disabling/greying out the reject button).   The only potential way to do that would be via the Approve/reject privilege, but approve and reject are tied together.

    I see two possible other ways to handle this.

    1)Write a script that is triggered on a “Reject for Workflow” pre-event that would error/throw an exception for your use cases where a user cannot reject, or

    2)Set up users that are not allowed to reject as “Acknowledgers”.  This basically is the equivalent  to approve without having the ability to reject.

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  • Agile User Asked on September 8, 2020 in Software Development Kit (API).

    Do you have any “Required” fields set up for the User-Defined subclass?  As in fields that need to be entered on the “Create New” screen of the web-client?  If so, you would need to pass a map of parameters with each required field value (instead of “changeNumber”in the createObject())  to get the object created

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  • Agile User Asked on August 10, 2020 in Agile PLM (v9).

    Hi Sabarish,

    There is a Smart Rule  called “Redline Attribute” which should open up the Title Block attributes for redlining.


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  • Agile User Asked on May 22, 2019 in Agile PLM (v9).

    The only thing I can think of for #1, is using the “Workflow Matching Criteria” for each workflow.  Basically create a criteria for “Change Orders with ATTRIBUTEXX in “yes” and set this for one workflow.  Then create another for “Change Orders with ATTRIBUTEXX in “No”” and apply it to the other workflow.  This would mean only the workflows matching the criteria conditions would be available to chose from the “Workflow” drop down on the cover page.

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  • You can get the Numeric cell and set it to null using SDK.  Note, there is a bug (BUG 22046935)logged on MyOracleSupport for 9.3.4 that discusses the issue of trying to blank out numeric fields in the WebClient (if you are experiencing this issue).  I’ve run into this with our set up.  Another work around is using the Java-Client. The bug is only present in the web-client

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  • Agile User Asked on February 20, 2019 in Agile PLM (v9).

    Have you tried setting the “Multi Row Update Mode” Import preference to “Add/Update Only”.  As far as I know, this works for all the “tables” you can import to.

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  • Agile User Asked on January 24, 2019 in Agile PLM (v9).

    I’ve had issues with changeStatus before.  I use the one below (note: only 3 IUser[] arrays)

    changeStatus(IStatus newStatus, boolean auditRelease,String comment, boolean notifyOriginator,boolean notifyCCB,IUser[] notifyList, IUser[] approvers, IUser[] observers, boolean urgent)

    Also, I don’t believe you can pass null for the IUser[] arrays. .  Try using an empty IUser[] instead. Use:

    change.changeStatus(stat1, false, null, false, false, new IUser[0], new IUser[0], new IUser[0],  false);

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  • Agile User Asked on January 18, 2019 in Agile PLM (v9).

    We control this via Workflow matching criteria, and specify the allowable Affected Item’s Item Type.  If the workflow is already selected on the change’s Cover Page before the Non-FG part is added, users will get an “Object Violates Workflow Matching Criteria” error when attempting to add a non-fg and the affected item won’t be added.  There really isn’t a way to modify the error message unless your write a PX. I do believe this is controlled by a Smart Rule (at least in 9.3.4)

    If the workflow has not been selected on the change’s Cover Page, users will be allowed to add a NON-FG to the affected items, however the “FG Workflow” will not be available to select from the change Cover Page Workflow attribute.

    Does that help?

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  • Agile User Asked on November 12, 2018 in Other APIs.

    Not sure if you can get the list of users/user-groups directly from the (ITree) IRole object, but as a workaround, once you have the name of the role, you could easily create two queries (1 for Users and 1 for User groups) who have that role listed in “General Info.Roles” .  For the User Group query, you would have to iterate through the results to get the user group object, and then its respective user table to display each user…

    This answer accepted by afinnell. on December 22, 2024 Earned 15 points.

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  • Agile User Asked on August 27, 2018 in Agile PLM (v9).

    Would using the audit() method in the API not be more useful/simple if it’s simply “Exit Required Fields” we’re concerned about?  Then you could loop through the map that gets returned and spit out the missing required fields?  Don’t have a tonne of experience with this via API but looks like that could work…

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