Extract Criteria and Privileges data from Oracle Agile PLM
I’m trying to write SQL queries to extract all the Criterias and properties associated to it and the same for privileges from Agile PLM database. I’m using Nodetable and Propertytable but still not getting the actual results. Any support here would be very helpful.
Agile already provides the
Criteria Library Configuration Report
under Standard -> Administrative reports which gives all the info that you are looking for. Have you tried this?
– Raj
That’s true. It doesn’t provide the timestamp
There is a table called CRITERIA that holds each line of the criteria as one row. So, it is not stored as the text that you see in administrator.
When you go to JC and click on a criteria, Agile pulls it from this table (not sure how it gets the parent id) and displays it in readable form. So, definitely challenging 🙂
Using below query, i’m able to extract basic details of criteria. But i’m unable to extract the condition related to the criteria
select n.description CRITERIANAME, n2.description OBJECT_TYPE, n.created as createddate, n.last_upd
from nodetable n, propertytable p, nodetable n2
where n.objtype=111 and n.id=p.parentid
and p.propertyid=53 and to_number(p.value) = n2.id
order by n.description;