get data value from webservice using Python zeep

Hi all, Please help me I’d like using python zeep to get  data value from web service, for a simple example , getObject. below is my partial code wsdl = “” client = Client(wsdl,transport=Transport(session=session)) request_data = {        “requests”: {                  “classIdentifier”:”Users”,                  “objectNumber”: “W110023”         } } client.service.getObject(request_data) but the data I get is with no field name, so I cannot parse the response value. like this

    'messageId': None,
    'messageName': None,
    'statusCode': 'SUCCESS',
    'sessionParameters': [],
    'generalParameters': [],
    'notes': [],
    'exceptions': [],
    'warnings': [],
    'responses': [
            'agileObject': {
                'objectIdentifier': {
                    'classId': 11610,
                    'className': 'User',
                    'classDisplayName': 'User',
                    'objectId': 18528835,
                    'objectName': 'w110023',
                    'objectVersion': None,
                    'version': '38'
                '_value_1': [
                        'listName': None,
                        'selection': [
                                'id': 1,
                                'apiName': 'ACTIVE',
                                'value': 'Active'

can anybody please teach me and show me  example code that can correctly return value with field name  like SoapUI:

get data value from webservice  using Python zeep

Agile User Asked on September 9, 2020 in Webservices.
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