Need async or fire and forget response to webservice invoked in agile extensions folder

Hi Team,

We have developed a custom webservice and deployed it in agile extentions/sdk folder.

However the webservice is currently working as synchronous. we need it to behave as async and we do not need response in return.(fire and forget).

Could you please help us on same.

Agile version 933


Agile User Asked on July 6, 2020 in Agile PLM (v9).
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1 Answer(s)


How is the web service being invoked? You should be able to make it asynchronous if you invoke it via a post event. if thro’ a PX, you would need to create a separate thread and invoke the web service there (not recommended)

Hope this helps

– Raj

Agile Angel Answered on July 7, 2020.
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