Agile PLM Web Services

Hi Everyone,

I am facing issue in agile plm web services.

I am beginner in plm web services. I have read agile sdk document for agile web service development but dont get in.

can anyone tell me how to create stubs file because in document it specify

“To generate stubs, execute the Ant target wsdl2java-Generate-Client. All the stubs are created in src folder.”

Can you explain steps means how to create in eclipse environement?

Secondly i also want example of small web service.

how we deploy and use web services in plm, in agile plm user guide i found many predefines xml basesd (SOAP) example but how  we can use and deployed on production server?





Agile User Asked on August 28, 2019 in Webservices.
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1 Answer(s)

Hello Priyanka

Here is some info on how you can create in Eclipse

Note that you don’t have to use Ant to do this. if your company uses other build tools like maven, you can do the same using that as well

Hope this helps

– Raj


Agile Angel Answered on September 5, 2019.
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