Getting Invalid Parameter Exception while calling changeStatus method
I’ve had issues with changeStatus before. I use the one below (note: only 3 IUser[] arrays)
changeStatus(IStatus newStatus, boolean auditRelease,String comment, boolean notifyOriginator,boolean notifyCCB,IUser[] notifyList, IUser[] approvers, IUser[] observers, boolean urgent)
Also, I don’t believe you can pass null for the IUser[] arrays. . Try using an empty IUser[] instead. Use:
change.changeStatus(stat1, false, null, false, false, new IUser[0], new IUser[0], new IUser[0], false);
in our version of agilePLM i.e following method is given to be used :
public abstract void changeStatus(IStatus paramIStatus, boolean paramBoolean1, String paramString, boolean paramBoolean2, boolean paramBoolean3, Collection paramCollection1, Collection paramCollection2, Collection paramCollection3, Collection paramCollection4, boolean paramBoolean4)
throws APIException;
In that i do not see IUser[] object need to be passed it is asking for Collection object there.
Rest all other changeStatus method are depreciated.