LDAP users cannot authenticate using Java API
Recently we’ve ran into an issue where the Java API will fail to authenticate a user if the user is from LDAP. If we try to create an IAgileSession using the credentials of a local user it is successful. The Web Client has _no_ issues authenticating either user. Is there something special about the Java API in terms of authentication? As an aside, this is quite recent. We are thinking something changed in the configuration.
Please add -Ddisable.agile.sessionID.generation=true as part of VM parameters
For example
java -Ddisable.agile.sessionID.generation=true yourappname
This should address the issue
This has been there since 9.3.0.X onwards
Refer to Metalink Bug 9375635 for details
Yes apart from the method mentioned above, you can try this also: just before you create the session, use this line –
System.setProperty(“disable.agile.sessionID.generation“, “true”);
//then you create the session
IAgileSession session = AgileSessionFactory.createSessionEx(params);