The java interface com.agile.api.IItem cannot be mapped by JAXB as it has multiple mappable parent interfaces. Multiple inheritence is not supported – webservice in 936

Hi All,

I have deployed a webservice in extension of Agile 936 version. When I am trying to invoke it. It is giving the below error.

any help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Caused by: javax.xml.bind.JAXBException:
Exception Description: The java interface com.agile.api.IItem cannot be mapped by JAXB as it has multiple mappable parent interfaces. Multiple inheritence is not supported
 – with linked exception:
[Exception [EclipseLink-50089] (Eclipse Persistence Services – 2.6.3.v20160526-8f41838): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JAXBException
Exception Description: The java interface com.agile.api.IItem cannot be mapped by JAXB as it has multiple mappable parent interfaces. Multiple inheritence is not supported]
        at org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContext$TypeMappingInfoInput.createContextState(
        at org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContext.<init>(
        at org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory.createContext(

Karthik P

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2 Answer(s)

Did we get any closure on this?  If you have solved this please elaborate here on the solution for future reference.

Agile Angel Answered on November 16, 2017.
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Yes solved with workaround. Instead using IItem object, Used IDataObject then it worked. Thank you!

Agile User Answered on November 17, 2017.
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