How do I change the $AGILEUSER “from” email address used in Notifications?
In our test Agile 932 instance, we get Notification emails when we are testing. ย The users get confused thinking the email is from Prod. ย Where can I change the from email address for $AGILEUSER, ย from agile@mydomain.comย to ย agiletest@mydomain.comย ?
You would need to set that up in your mail server first then point Agile to it under the Server Settings > Database node in the Java client.
I recommend one or both of these options as well:ย
1)ย disable your email notifications for the Test Database (either specific emails themselves or system wide emails in the server settings).
2)ย mass update the email addresses for all of the remaining active users in Test Database to your own email address or blank.ย
Not sure how often you refresh your test database with a copy of production, but I recommend inactivating most of the users in test for this same reason.
And specifically you change your from user in the Java Client -> Admin -> Server Settings -> Database -> Mail From User field.ย There is where I changed my email address for Agile Test just for this reason.