How to Deploying WAR files in Web Logic server ?
Hello Sir,
Can anyone tell me where else I can deploy the PX JAR files/WAR files other than extensions/tomcat servers respectively in AGILE.
I heard we can deploy in “Web logic server” can anyone brief about this please.
Hi Surya,
Actually Weblogic is installed and configured for Agile Purposes and is not suggested to add custom application there while Agile is in running.
However, your question is not related to Agile itself. Please find docs on oracle docs
Deploy the WAR file.
Browse the WebLogic console using http://localhost:7001/console.
Goto base_domain/Deployments.
Click Lock and Edit.
Click Install.
Click Upload your file(s).
In Deployment Archive, select install-path/var/MyWar.war.
Click Next.
Select MyWar.war and click Next a few times and Finish.
Click Activate Changes in the top left corner.
The MyWar deployment must be in the active state.
Note –
The above steps are an example of how dscc7.war file is deployed into BEA WebLogic Server. The BEA WebLogic Server documentation is the only trustable source of information for deploying WAR files.