How to import ppm task csv file into agile plm
How to import project,phases and task data into plm using import server.
is it possible?
If it possible please give me some sample template.
Thanks in Advance……………
It is not possible to import Project, Phase, Gate & task using OOTB import. You have to use the feature “Create Project from XML File”. This xml file can be a Microsoft project file or if you want to port a project with phase gate from one environment to other environment then open the project from the old environment and from actions menu use Load Project XML – read only and use that xml file in the new environment.
Raj, you can also use Project Libre to generate the xml file, but I strongly suggest that you create a simple project in Agile, containing 1 phase, 1 gate, 1 milestone and 1 task, and than export it as xml file and edit on a MSProject or Project Libre as needed.
It’ll be easier to import back if you follow some basic rules that the original file contains.
My best