Fetch Suppier Data from RFQ Responses table.
I want to fetch the data of suppliers from Responses table of RFQ.
IRequestForQuote rfq=(IRequestForQuote)session.getObject(IRequestForQuote.OBJECT_TYPE, "RFQ00004"); ITable responses=rfq.getTable(RequestForQuoteConstants.TABLE_RESPONSES); Iterator it=responses.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { IRow row=(IRow)it.next(); ICell cells[]=row.getCells(); for(int i=0;i<cells.length;i++) { System.out.println(cells[i].getName()+" : "+cells[i].getValue()); } }
I am unable to fetch the supplier details. I am facing the issue when AML exists for an Item which has suppliers.
No of Rows in Responses table equal to no of items in the Responses table.
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