Is it possible to create popups with SDK?

Hi everyone,
is it possible, using SDK, to create popups for the fields compilation?
I try to explain better: in my procedures users have to compile several page three fields, would it be possible to ask them these informations making popups appear?

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2 Answer(s)
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No it is not possible to show the popup in the web client. 
It is possible only in the Java Client but is not officially documented.
We used to manage that over Workflow Configuration Exit Required Field for particular criteria based on empty field.
Otherwise, just using an error Action Result message displayed to the user , saying that those fields have to been filled in case they aren’t.

Agile Angel Answered on March 2, 2016.
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Thank you Antonio, I think that it would be a good improvement also in terms of graphic effect, hope they’ll think about it sooner or later.

Agile User Answered on March 3, 2016.

in OTN there is nothing on that bu We hope that too 🙂
Until then, we continue to use an URL PX that will redirect usrer to a custom web application page where there is a form with required attributes. Then use these value to do what it is necessary to this object. The URL PX provide to that page the number, so using the Agile SDK it is simple to do what it is necessary to the object with value entered in the form

on March 3, 2016.
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