Updates in Gantt chart is not captured in History
Hi All,
We are getting scenarios were dependency data is lost. We observed that for all tasks, Predecessors value was disappeared for a few project.
Also, i tested and observed that when predecessors are removed from Gantt chart or added for a task it is not getting captured in history.
However, when we removed dependency for the same tasks or updated in UI, i can see the information in History tab.
So, is it the expected behavior that updates made on Gantt chart is not captured in History ?
I can confirm that this is the expected behavior of gantt chart. Unfortunately there is no way to trace in history, about what is modified in a tasklist using this tool.
This causes some troubles also in out system.for this reason we restricted the gantt chart to be used only by some particular users managing roles and privileges
Yeah, you are right. Oracle came back saying they have Enhancement request logged for this. We actually ran into a scenario where predecessor details for all tasks disappeared on three of the projects