Adding statuses to active workflows

Can we add statuses to active workflows which have objects attached to it?

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I don’t think that it’s possible once the workflow is assigned to the objects and pushed forward beyond Pending status.

Agile Angel Answered on June 25, 2015.
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Once for a defined workflow (active/non-active), a form has been created (e.g. ECO, ECR, MCO, ect.), AND, the relevant workflow has been set, the settings of the workflow may not be modified with respect to statuses of a workflow.
To modify the existing statuses of a workflow, the IS architect (the function from IT which is responsible to manage the system, and make changes in the system…. or in simple words ADMIN) has three options I can think of:
1. Hard delete all existing forms (e.g. ECO) from the system. NOTE! If the forms have already been processed, this normally should not be performed.
2. Modify the ‘workflow’ field upon each form which uses that particular workflow, so it will not be assigned. Note! this can be done only in generic Pending status of a form to send it back to unassigned status.
NOTE! performing any of the suggested above is NOT recommended in case the IS has already went live and used by everyday users due to History retention!!!!
3.  *** The preferred method in case forms were already assigned and processed ***
3.1. Set the old workflow to inactive.
3.2. Modify the name of the old workflow to whatever makes sense to indication that it is the old/not used anymore workflow (important for searches and splicing of data)… example “old_[workflow name]”.
3.3. Create a new “copy” of the workflow, with the new statues which are required, and the desired name.

Best regards,
Ron Ziv

Agile User Answered on July 7, 2015.
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This looks very useful, I think it will help a lot, thank you Ron.

Agile User Answered on November 4, 2015.
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