Control / stop Agile PLM CORE Web Services Access
Is there a way to control / stop Agile PLM web services access to other engineers, if the core services link is known?
That way, provide only custom written wrapper classes in controlled way?
You can control web-service function for users by defining roles and privilege on Agile system, as an example of working with attachments.
Another approch is created usergroup for the web service funtion. In beginning you will check if user in this group- if yes contine run, if not stop the web service function.
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How do we define roles or privileges for web services? For attachments we have out of box privileges defined but we don’t have privileges for web services. I believe we can not restrict web services link access using roles and privileges.
What I mean is to used out of box privileges in web service . As example users have checkout privilege can do also checkout in web-service but users don’t have this privilege web-service will return status code “FAILURE” and expiation describe the problem.
When you need different privileges for web service you can continue the web-service if user exist in web-service group.