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Maybe you’ve just completed your work of art (the latest, greatest piece of software to extend your Agile PLM deployment) or reached a new level of volume your application hasn’t had to process before and at the magical point of execution you’re rewarded with a stack trace that seems to have no end.  Specifically you receive a message similar to the following:

Error code : 60086
Error message : Call APIException.getRootCause() for details.
Root Cause exception : weblogic.rjvm.PeerGoneException: ; nested exception is:
       weblogic.socket.MaxMessageSizeExceededException: Incoming message of size: '10000080' bytes exceeds the configured maximum of: '10000000' bytes for protocol: 't3'

Don’t fret because your hopes and dreams of selling your application for millions of dollars aren’t doomed. Just do the following to, as they say on TV, increase your size:

Changing the server’s configuration

  1. Open the weblogic console – On a default Agile installation this would be http://:7001/console
  2. In the Domain Structure block in the left hand pane, navigate to agileDomain | Environment | Servers
  3. Click your server name in the Summary of Servers Configuration tab
  4. On the settings page for the server, click the Protocols tab
  5. Click the Lock & Edit button
  6. Change 10000000 to 20000000
  7. Click the Save button
  8. Click the Activate Changes button

You should not have to restart Weblogic for these changes to take effect.


Setting Weblogic Max Message Size


Changing the client’s configuration

So intercommunication within Weblogic is now taken care of – congratulations.  If the client wants to receive those large messages though, it too needs to be configured to do so.  Thankfully, this is the easy part.

While starting your application simply add “-Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize=20000000” to the command line.  A sample may look something like:

java -Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize=20000000 com.plmmechanic.PQMExtract

Hope this helps!

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