Task is Completed with showing 0%

Hi Guys,

we are on Agile 9.3.1. facing one issue often, some of the tasks are getting completed but showing 0%  instead of 100%.
As a workaround we had to click Complete from Tasks Actions menu to make it 100%.

Is there any method available in SDK to do it through px??

Appreciate your help.


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5 Answer(s)

Anandh, I have not yet seen this issue.  Can you identify a pattern to these that are not reporting correctly?  Is the user simply going in and marking the task complete rather than updating the percentage?  Do some of these automatically roll up to 100%?  I am looking for a pattern to the issue so any additional information would be helpful.

Agile Angel Answered on August 18, 2015.
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Hi Patrick,
It happens with only for few PPM objects (Tasks). I don’t see any difference between other objects which are moved to completed status (100%) when users move it.

I believe, we cannot update the percentage completion manually for any PPM objects. It is a OOTB functionality which calculates the average child tasks percentage completion and put it for parent one.

Actually there is an option from PPM objects (Tasks) Actoon menu called “Complete”.

when the objects moved to completed status and still showing as 0% as completion. Users have to go to Action menu and click on ” Complete” option which is inbuilt in Agile tool to make 100% completion.

Oracle suggested to do it. But my question is , do we have any method in Agile SDK to do it through px?

Agile User Answered on August 18, 2015.
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Of course you do.  The event is the % update.  The PX could look at all the sub items to determine the parent %.

Agile Angel Answered on August 18, 2015.
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Hi Anandh,

We are using 9.3.3. version of Agile. Generally for any PPM object be it Task or Gate if you take your mouse and hover over the particular task or get you will see an option called “Quick View” .  Quick view is an OOTB feature provided by Oracle.  Once you click on that you will see an option to edit the percentage complete and you can updated it with any numerals starting from 1 to 100. The only precaution you need to take is you are not entering any decimal value.

Post update you can refresh your project to see the updated values.  Many times user see that option but when they go to edit they see that field locked/uneditable so u need to have the right privilege in that case.

From action menu when you change the task to In-Process or Complete the percentage task gets update to 50% and 100% respectively.  


Agile Angel Answered on August 18, 2015.
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Hi Patrick,

Where is it available? I don’t see any method in Agile API or any type of event with this name.


Agile User Answered on August 19, 2015.
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