Python Integration and Use of Agile API

Currently I am using Agile PLM Version: I was wondering if its possible that Agile has an available/known API (URI) that I could access or get a response from that’s in JSON data structure format. I am using Python as its the easiest way I can retrieve data from APIs in general that are in JSON data structure format. I’ve scoured the web looking for methods of accessing Agile using Python but haven’t had any momentum. I am using Python 2.7 and would like guidance on using Python 2.7 with Agile and somehow fetching BOM information such as description, items, etc…

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Oracle recommends Groovy as defacto. Programming in python will be long path as many customer use python or fabric for system administration.
Better use groovy with json and core webservices.. 

Some examples of Script API methods

  • getEventType() -> get type of event which triggered this sPX
  • getObjectClassId() -> get the object´s class ID
  • getObjectNumber() -> get the object number
  • getValueByAttId() -> get value of an object attribute
  • setValueByAttId() -> set value of an object attribute
  • getNextStatus()  -> get next status in a workflow transition
  • getWorkflow() -> get workflow name
  • sendNotification() -> send an Agile Notification
  • getAgileSDKSession() -> get Agile SDK Session handler
Agile Angel Answered on March 25, 2016.

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