How to set value for attribute while it is read only field?

I want to modify value after i get value from some attributes.

String conditionAttribute = "Title Block.Lifecycle Phase";<br /> String agileConditionValue = item.getValue(agileClass.getAttribute(conditionAttribute)).toString();<br />item.setValue(agileClass.getAttribute(conditionAttribute), "Preliminary1");<br />

But I always receive “This attribute is read only”.
Please help me there are any way to modify that?

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2 Answer(s)

This the attribute change controlled–property of the field? If it is then it can only be modified if the item is on a change order and you modify it via the redline table.

Agile Angel Answered on August 23, 2017.

After I used redline I can set value for attributes in BOM tab, but it still doesnt show value in the UI. Any difference between BOM and REDLINE_BOM table

on August 24, 2017.
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Best answer

These are steps to modify attributes in BOM
1.Get a released assembly item.
2.Create a new Change Order, such as an ECO, for the item.
3.Add the item to the Affected Items table of the ECO. Also, specify the new revision in the change and set the item’s revision to the associated change.
4.Modify the item’s Redline BOM table.

Agile User Answered on August 25, 2017.
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