Error while deploying web service – httpClient not found

I am deploying a web service on agile 931 using the instructions provided in the guide. Once I place my jar file in the extensions folder and try to access the web service URL, I get the following error: 

faultCode: {}Server.generalException
faultString: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HTTPClient/ModuleException; nested exception is:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HTTPClient/ModuleException

I have tried placing the httpClient.jar file in agileDomain/lib and in extensions folder but I still get the same error. Where exactly is Axis trying to locate this jar file?

Furqan Tariq

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2 Answer(s)


Did you resolve this?  And if yes, what did you find out?  Could you leave some insight for us here?

Agile Angel Answered on July 26, 2016.
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For me the issue turned out to be namespaces. 
My functions were in the form:

public myMethodResponse myMethod(){


Somehow during generation of wsdl or maybe another point a response object for myMethod was being generated with the same name myMethodResponse and so there were two objects with the same name causing conflict. 
I changed the function’s name and the issue got resolved.

Hope this helps

Agile User Answered on July 26, 2016.
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