Delegate ECO for approvals


Based on certain change requirement ,  Defined ECN Approver  wishes to delegate/transfer authority of the ECN approvals  to the extended team. 

ECN 1  – user 1

ECN 2 – user2 

ECN 3- May keep in his own queue.

This is not the transfer Authority – As its not same users always. 

What is the best way to accomplish this ? 

Agile User Asked on February 10, 2017 in Agile PLM (v9),   Product Collaboration.
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6 Answer(s)

Hi Gykumar

you need to create workflow criteria to handle with these “ifs”.
This criteria should decide who are the approvers based on changes or items attribute values.

My best

Agile Angel Answered on February 13, 2017.
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Hi Gykumar,

The Workflow assignments work well if the $approver is more constant.

Or, you could give Add Reviewer / Remove Reviewer permission to their Roles and they can assign them on an ad/hoc basis.

Agile User Answered on February 15, 2017.
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In addition, you can explore Job Function and Functional Role to dynamically route workflow to different people. This feature comes with version 9.3.3 onwards.

Agile Angel Answered on February 23, 2017.
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Thank you to all  for your input 🙂

@ Carlos- This is not based on predefined attribute but more on ontime delegation.  Aprovers wantsto delegate the responsibility to some one from the team.  

@ Gdeo- Functional Team we have created to route the ECN workflow,  This is intermediate sub route to delegate the task/responsibility.

exaple- i have 5 ECN to look into, i wish to delegete 2 to user1 and 2 to user 2. This is not based on predefined attribute but more on time delegation.

@ Samalendu –  Functional Team we have created to route the ECN workflow,  This is intermediate/sub routine to delegate the task/responsibility on adhoc basis

Use case may be like:

1. Approvers  opens the ECN, able to –> click on delegate –> Select the user –> Submit
2. The delegated user should receive the mail on ECN and its pending in the queue to complete the task requried and approve
2. Once delegated user approve the ECN, it should go to next level of approval

With customization, i can understand we can accomplish this.  Request if any other thought. 


Agile User Answered on March 22, 2017.
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Allowing Ad Hoc reviewers is probably the easiest way to handle this.   
– The default Approver needs appropriate “Add Reviewer” privileges
 – ‘Ad Hoc Reviewers’ should be set to “Yes” on the review status

When the default Approver (User1) receives notification that his/her approval is required:
A – User1 Opens & Reviews Change -> Approves/Rejects accordingly
B – User1 opens change -> clicks “Add Reviewers” button on the Workflow Tab -> Adds User2 as approver -> AFTER new reviewer is added – User1 Approves Change.
Upon being added – User2 receives notification that his/her approval is required ->User2 acts accordingly.

Agile Angel Answered on March 23, 2017.

Thank you  ! Yes, Sounds good approach to accomplish this, need to drill down other pros and cons  🙂

Only Issue may be accountability.  Thought process was ” kind of subordinate to do the activities to be performed before approval and update the manager”. However the final approver still be counted as primary apporver. 


on March 23, 2017.
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Another option that wasn’t brought up here is a CCB group.  Probably not the best option for you specifically but might be worth it for some managers who have to delegate a lot.  Here, you would create a User Group and add your User 1, User 2, and User 3.  When you route your ECO, add the CCB User Group to the list of approvers (either manually, ad hoc during review, or using workflow criteria).  First person who signs, approves for the group.  Think of it as a sort of auto-delegating for those who need to do it often.

Agile Angel Answered on May 12, 2017.
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