Can We have Customized Audi Status of ECO#


I am Using Agile 9.3.5 (Build 45) version. How can I customized my ECO# Audit status.

For Example : If I release  Parent assembly XXX. I want to make user all its child Parts are having same locations of Parent before submit ECO#.

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1 Answer(s)

You cannot customize the error message returned when you click Audit Release button but you can add an additional check via Event PX during the change status to Release.
It will be an Event Subscriber PRE synchronous that execute your PX and blocks the change status, making the autopromotion fails, if your condition is not satisfied.

Be aware, that your message will not be available in the audit status/release. So if you run the Audit Release and everything is ok, it doesn’t mean that your PX will not fail.


Agile Angel Answered on December 20, 2017.
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