CAD files upload in Agile PLM

I have several CAD files that have to be uploaded into Agile PLM. Are there any reusable programs for achieving this. I do not have any experience in Agile PLM development side and hence want to understand how this works. For example the reusable program should be able to read the information from an excel/flat file and update the Agile PLM database with the information and the user should be able to view that in the front end.

Agile User Asked on January 30, 2016 in ERP integration,   Tools.
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1 Answer(s)


   Oracle Agile PLM already provides a tool for importing files into Agile. An just as you explain, you use a index file for that. You can find all information in the oracle documentation,


A sample file for your cad files to be uploaded can look like this in the index file:

FILEFOLDER,DESIGN00011,1,D:/docs/Design.doc,FILE,Design Document

If you have to convert CAD files or to migrate, please let me know as I should be able to helo you with that too.

Best regards,


Agile Angel Answered on February 2, 2016.
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