Need Angel or Expert in PCM to help with Demo


I am in the process of developing a pre-sales/functionality demo (Oct 21st) for and electronics mfgr. They are using 9.3.3 and are investigating PCM functionality based on needs listed below. If PCM cannot provide these requirements, they may move to another app, and I think that could be a bad choice to go outside of the Agile suites. They are also looking at PG&C and these two modules work together, which I have also expressed for consideration. I have worked with PCM, but not in such great detail. They have provided two BOMS to use and I have access to a DEV instance.

Please let me know if PCM can meet all of these requirements OOTB, and if not, will PXs and any external programming be able to fulfill them?  I was given short notice on this assignment.

I do not know their specific EDI system but can ask if necessary.
They already have an AML, Suppliers from what I see.
They are only using the system for ECO control at this time.
They also want to implement EC in near future.

As do many clients, they want as much automation as possible for the whole process.
Interestingly, they have NO existing corporate procedures (!) on Project/RFQ/PO processes due to so many acquisitions and are planning to use PCM to create a global method.

I’d be happy to go through a config review and we can share screens.

Thanks so much for your help.  Greatly appreciated!

1 Sales Order/Project based RFQ Automation and archiving

Create and Copy RFQ’s

RFQ submission to suppliers & real time updates

Track quotes by Project/Supplier

Store/Archive historical quotes by project/Supplier

Create & set re-quote schedules

Task/Actions Manager

RFQ revision control/tracking

Quote Cost Analysis

Review, compare, and analyze supplier responses (RFQ’s analysis)

Convert RFQ to PO

2 EDI functionality:

PO submission and real time management

Supplier Portal –  Automation of PO acknowledgements

Forecasting (EDI)

3 Agile document acceptance/sign-off for access (Self Declaration as a contingency to access T’s & C’s, RFQ, and documents)

4 Approved Manufacturers List Management (AML, ASL, AVL)

Designate Preferred source, sole source, single source

Agile User Asked on October 13, 2019 in Product Cost Management.
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1 Answer(s)

@Waynestep : Did you get enough information on this and how did the demo go through ?

Agile User Answered on December 3, 2019.
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