Modify access in Complete status of Change

Hello Everyone,

Just wondering, if at all there is an option to configure modify access to Remove affected Items from a Change  in Complete status.


Thank you!

Agile Talent Asked on May 28, 2020 in Product Collaboration.
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3 Answer(s)

Wondering why you would want to do this?  There are serious implications involved in this type of activity.  In the event there are events that push xml data downstream this could easily lead to a data imbalance that could be catastrophic.  What I am trying to say unless that business has a really good reason this is never recommended.

Agile Angel Answered on May 28, 2020.
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Yes Patrick,

I totally agree. However, it is a requirement from business and those change requests don’t push data to downstream. They need some of the formulations to be removed after it’s completed.

Agile Talent Answered on May 28, 2020.
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You may want to create a workflow that allows for this on a limited ability where you have more than one release state.  I am hoping we can say here that this would only happen once per change…..

If this is true you could do something like this


This could help you out but I would limit the ability to move to SCOPE CHANGE and RELEASE2 so this does not become an abusive process.  Many times best practices makes processes difficult so that we can become better at our jobs as we hope that a) creators did due diligence to get everything right and b) reviewers did their job correctly.

Best of luck

Agile Angel Answered on May 28, 2020.
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